I am not the drinker type, although most of the people I meet would tell me that I look like a typical party girl who spends the night at bars holding cocktails and downing shot glasses.
I have actually tasted most of the brands and types of spirits and alcohols, from wines, to hard drinks like gin, to beers, and cocktails and even liqueors. I have a high-tolerance for alcohol eventhough I don’t drink that much and that often. That works for my advantage, at least my friends need not worry about the things that I might do everytime I would down a shot of tequila.
Two weeks ago, I and some of my friends discovered a new drink from San Miguel – (yes, the makers of good beer).

I would like to introduce, San Mig Light Apple and Lemon flavor. I am no beer drinker (and I would usually order cocktails even if it is priced thrice the regular beer) but out of curiosity, we tried the new flavored beer. It’s good, as it tasted like C2 and other flavored iced teas. There is no “yucky” after-taste everytime you gulp, which is good for me.

It’s also served below zero. Beers served in -2 to -8 degrees but not frozen. The server lightly smashed it in the table and the beer just froze inside the bottle. Well, being not the usual drinker, I never know this buzz about below zero has been up since 2009. I just don’t go out much so I am not aware.

I have learned that not alot of bars and restaurants serve drinks in below zero. Dencio’s in Metrowalk does serve it that way.

Try them (both the SML flavored beers and below zero) and be amazed.
Do you also have below zero experience? What do you think of the new San Mig Light Flavored Beers?