
travel & lifestyle blog by ruth dela cruz


Born to Cook Barcelona Cooking Workshop

August 29, 2016

Attending a cooking workshop is one of the must-do things when in Barcelona. At least, that’s what Google and other travel blogs recommend. So here I am sharing my own stories and cooking experience at Born to Cook, Barcelona (and pushing you to make it part of your itinerary). 

Taking you back to #RuthGoestoBarcelona last February. I was excited when I saw Born to Cook Cooking Workshop listed in our 5-day trip in Barcelona.

We walked down the narrow streets of El Born, Barcelona to get to the cooking workshop. It was a different experience for me to walk down streets like this in another country vs walking down narrow streets in Manila. There were graffiti around, old bricks and dark alleys. We stopped by an old building.

Welcome to Born to Cook, Barcelona. 

born to cook barcelona cooking workshop

The location is said to be an historic place which dates back to 16th century which according to history – the building was the do-micile of Christopher Columbos in Barcelona. I should have made a checked in status in Facebook. 

born to cook barcelona cooking workshop
born to cook barcelona cooking workshop

(1) Ingredients also look instagrammable in a kitchen (2) Hey chefs! (3) Poser 🙂 

But, I tend to forget anything and everything social (media) whenever I travel – especially when you are inside an old building of brick walls, colorful ingredients and Spanish speaking chefs. 
We had cocktails and tapas; then it was time to Born to Cook. 

born to cook barcelona cooking workshop

born to cook barcelona cooking workshop

born to cook barcelona cooking workshop

(1) Cocktails (2) YZ and I were serious about our paella (3) Lenovo tablets are used to project recipes

It was a private event for us that evening. We were served with unlimited wine (… yet the server find it unusual that I always ask for water).  We were divided into two groups and we basically prepared the same dishes – except for the Spanish favorite paella. 

born to cook barcelona cooking workshop
born to cook barcelona cooking workshop
born to cook barcelona cooking workshop

(1) Red Team enjoying the cooking [show] (2) Hi Thomas and Juan! (3) Everyone wants to have a photo with this big pan 😀

Having experienced kitchen at home (and in school), I am quite familiar with kitchen discipline but it was a totally different experience to be a “kitchen staff” of a Spanish chef. I felt so legit. 
We prepared food from salad to dessert – and had a sweet little feast after. 🙂

born to cook barcelona cooking workshop

born to cook barcelona cooking workshop
born to cook barcelona cooking workshop

born to cook barcelona cooking workshop

born to cook barcelona cooking workshop

(1) Paella Noodle (2) I told him I am a pro 🙂 Creme Brulee for dessert! (3) Hey new friends!  (4) Quick shot – no more time for flatlays (5) Work was done! Time to eat and drink!

Born to Cook Cooking Workshop is truly one of the must-do things when in Barcelona. They offer packages for groups or private functions. 
born to cook barcelona cooking workshop
with the EMEA influencers
born to cook barcelona cooking workshop

Thank you for having us!

Read more of my Barcelona adventures. 
Read more of my Travels. 

Born to Cook, Barcelona
La Rambla 58, ppal 2, 08002 Barcelona, Spain
 TUESDAY TO SATURDAY 11:00am to 3:30pm
TUESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY 5:30pm to 10:00pm.

**The #RuthGoestoBarcelona trip was sponsored by Lenovo for the #MWC2016

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