
travel & lifestyle blog by ruth dela cruz


Porky Pit: Lechon Cebu in Manila

December 9, 2017
Porky Pit Best Lechon Cebu in Manila Menu

Porky Pit: Lechon Cebu in Manila

It seems that Keto Diet would be a great excuse to eat more Lechon. But Keto or not, a good Lechon needs to be celebrated, and every celebration needs a Lechon. 

… sharing a post from my recent Cebu adventure (more on that on the next post). 

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It is a unique Filipino tradition to have a Lechon on the table during birthdays, weddings, celebrations and Holiday Season.

I was just in Cebu the other day and I feasted on the famous Cebu Lechon. Truly, a good food that is perfect from the crispy skin down to the tasteful meat. I usually just eat the crispy Lechon skin, but Cebu Lechon does the whole thing perfectly. 
If you are wondering where to buy Cebu Lechon in Luzon or Manila, check out Porky Pit, a new brand under Diancia Trading Inc, that serves Lechon on the Go! 
Porky Pit Menu
LECHON BELLY-  serve it fresh on any occasion. Porky Pit adapted Cebu’s famous Lechon secret ingredients l- emon grass, leeks, salt, pepper, and garlic stuffed inside the pig’s belly.  It is then slowly cooked over oven heat in correct temperature to retain the crispiness of the skin.
– Php 550/ 1 kilo & Php 300/ ½ kilo
Porky Pit Best Lechon Cebu in Manila Menu
LECHON RICE- for people who want a quick Lechon fix!  100 grms of Lechon Belly served with choice of Salsa (House Sauce Mayo, LechonSalso, or Lechon vinegar) and rice. 
Php 99
Porky Pit Best Lechon Cebu in Manila Price
LECHONARMA (with veggies) – 60% Lechon &  40% Veggies. A perfect meal to add a little color and healthy stint on a meal. Served in pita bread with cucumber, white onion, tomatoes, garlic and Porky Pit Lechon (served with your choice of Roasted Sesame or Garlic Sauce)
Php 75
Porky Pit Best Lechon Cebu in Manila
Porky Pit Best Lechon Cebu in Manila
LECHON BELLY (all meat) – Shawarma stuffed with 100% Lechon inside, having a savory of different flavors of sauce that would satisfy your craving.
Php 85
I am salivating just by typing it. If you are wondering what makes Porky Pit special?

– No preservatives added.
– Purely raw ingredients and home-made recipe, follow proper sanitation in preparing and well trained cook.
– Fresh and new pork belly cut with accredited BFAD supplier.

Porky Pit Best Lechon Cebu in Manila
*photos from Porky Pit 

Where and How to order Porky Pit?
Stores would soon open in  SM San Mateo and SM Novaliches. 
But you can call 656-11-61  for delivery of minimum 4 kilos. 
You may also catch Porky Pit at the World Bazaar Festival at the World Trade Center this weekend! 
#LechonarmaontheGO, #PorkyPit 
Check out my other Food Discoveries!

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