Sleeper Bus from Ho Chi Minh to Mui Ne via Sinh Tourist Bus Updated January 2023.
We woke up early to check out from our hostel in Ho Chi Minh and dragged our luggage to the Sinh Tourist office.
You can book a Sleeper Bus to Mui Ne from Ho Chi Minh via Klook<
We were out early to catch our 7:00 AM bus ride from Saigon to Mui Ne. I couldn’t believe I functioned that morning without caffeine. I decided to continue my sleep in the sleeper bus.
This is the sleeper bus. Karla was quite worried if I would be okay to take the bus.
I had previously too a sleeper or night bus in Yangon to Bagan, so I thought I would okay (as long as I wouldn’t feel the need to use the toilet).
The Sinh Tourist Ho Chi Minh to Mui Ne Fare:
99,000 VND = Php 229.29 = $ 4.26 USD
We booked the ticket in advanced and paid for it the day before so we didn’t have to rush in the morning. When we arrived in the Sinh Tourist office, we still had to line up to check in and get our boarding pass for assigned seat and free bottled water.
Slippers are not allowed inside the bus. The seat is still quite small for someone like me who is 5’10 inches tall. I prepared for the long bus ride by wearing something comfortable – Uniqlo pants and shirts. Our luggage was stored at the compartment and I kept my bag with me the whole ride.
I chose the seat beside the window (thinking I could do a little sigh-seeing) but I ended up sleeping a few minutes after we started the long journey.
After we left the city proper and the hustling mororbikes, I didn’t know what was the view like en route to Mui Ne. We had a stop-over for a toilet and snack break.
When I was not sleeping, I was thinking if I could survive the same ride to Hoi An which is a total of 12-hour drive (more on that story soon).
Sinh Tourist notes passengers hotels so they could drop them off along the way before reaching the Sinh Tourist Mui Ne bus stop.
I remember taking the photo below during one of the stops. When GoogleMaps’s arrow started pointing towards a different direction, that was when I asked the driver about our stop. It appeared that the conductor failed to inform us to go down He instructed me to go down but I told him “No, the arrangement is that we would stop at our hotel”.
He obviously didn’t understand me but the driver’s body language and raised voice were indications that he was mad at the conductor. The driver instructed me to go back to my seat (or should I say, bed?)
When we reached the Sinh Tourist bus stop, they reported the incident to the office. The conductor then hailed a bus ride for us and told the driver to drop us off Mui Ne Backpackers’ Hills. He paid for the fare but I hated that we lost time.
When we reached our stop, we still had to walk for 7 minutes dragging our luggage and walking with my backpack on my back.
It was around 12:00 ish when we arrived at the Mui Ne Hills Backpackers Hostel. Our room was not yet ready but they have a storage for the luggage and backpacks. I was hopeful I could still take a shower before our 1:00 AM tour but time didn’t allow us to even grab breakfast/lunch.
We decided to order pizza from the Mui Ne Hills Backpackers Restaurant.