UPDATE 2025 – sharing my experience and tips on how I applied for a multiple-entry Japan Visa as a freelancer.
When I first visited Japan, I just knew I have a lot of reasons to go back – the minimalist culture, advanced technology, good food, and very considerate people. I completely understood how everyone fell in love with Japan.
My multiple-entry visa expired last November 2024, and I felt the need to immediately renew my Japan visa so I would always be travel-ready.

Japan Visa Application Processing Timeline
December 27, 2024 – I passed my application via the Reli Tours and Travel Agency in Lucky China Mall
I was informed that it would be submitted to the Japan Embassy by January 6, 2025 because they were already on a Holiday Break.
January 10, 2025 – I received a text message that my passport is ready for pick-up
January 11, 2025 – I picked up my passport with 5-year Multiple Entry Japan Visa

How to Apply for a Multiple-Entry Japan Visa | Filipino Tourist
Read: tokyo, japan: what to do, places to visit, travel hacks + first impressions
Even if I have been previously approved visa by different embassies (countries), every application is a nerve-wracking experience for me. There truly is no formula, only the Japan Consul can make a decision and grant you a visa based on the documents that you would submit.
I am sharing the process and tips on how I got my Multiple-Visa in Japan.
I hope you find them helpful.
Japan Multiple-Entry Visa Eligibility
First off, let’s check the eligibility. You are eligible to apply for a Multiple-Entry Visa if you are:
- A person who has travelled to Japan as temporary visitor within the last three years and has financial capability to support his/her trip
- A person who has travelled to Japan as temporary visitor within the last three years and has travelled as temporary visitor to G7 countries (excluding Japan) several times within the last three years
- A person who has highly sufficient financial capacity
- Immediate family members (Spouse/Child) of the person who has highly sufficient financial capacity.
Back in 2019, I qualified for bullet number 2. This time around, I ticked off bullet number 1.
I made sure that I also submitted financial capability requirements to support my application.
Japan Multiple Entry Visa Requirements
Like what I always say write in my previous blogs, I always make sure that I submit complete requirements. I try to not give the consul a reason to deny your application. It also helps that the travel agency checks and verifies the documents, and make sure you fill out all the necessary fields.
1. Philippine Passport
Must be valid for 6 months covering your target travel date.
Must have 2 blank pages or more.
Must have a signature and emergency contact information.
2. Accomplished Visa Application Form
Complete the form and put N/A in fields that are not applicable to you.
Make sure that you print it on an A4 size paper.
Download the Japan Visa Application Form HERE.
3. Recent Photo
(2) Two Pieces of 4.5 cm x 4.5 cm with white background and must be taken within the last 6 months. I usually wear something with collar when I have my ID photo taken. The photo studio usually know the sizing for the photo requirement, so make sure that you specifiy for what visa or embassy you are using it for.
4. Multiple-Entry Visa Application Form
You can get a copy of the printed form at the travel agency, or download a copy of the Multiple-Entry Visa Application Form here.
Make sure that you also complete the field explaining why you are applying for a multiple-entry visa. For my application, I was honest with my intent to visit Japan and explore its other prefectures.
5. Daily Itinerary
This should include the dates, activities, contact person, and your accommodation.
It must be printed in an A4-size paper.
The most important information that you need to include are the dates of your arrival and exit, the aircraft or flight, and hotel accommodation. You do not need to purchase a ticket or book an accommodation at this point.
6. Previously-issued Japan Visas/Used Visas
Upon my application, I also submitted my old passport with used Japan Visas – issued in 2018 (Single Entry), and issued in 2019 (Multiple-Entry).
The agency checked and reviewed my passport, and put stickers on the pages of visa and arrival stamps. This is for the embassy to easily locate and evaluate the application.
7. Birth Certificate (for first time visa applicants)
Must be issued by the Philippine Statistics Office.
8. Marriage Certificate (for first time visa applicants)
Must be issued by the Philippine Statistics Office
8. Additional Requirements – Financial Capacity
Income Tax Return (ITR): as a registered BIR – Freelancer, I submitted my BIR Registration, BIR Form 1701 (from 2023), and screenshot of online submission via eBIR (this is not a requirement, but just to support that I am a responsible business entity hehe)
If you don’t have an ITR because you are new to your job, or just started a business, you can write a letter of explanation together with supporting documents like tax forms, or proof of income (contracts, invoices, receipts) explaining why you cannot submit an ITR. This is what I previously did during my 2019 application.
Bank Certificate: I submitted bank certificates from my banks with ADB within the last six months. I usually secure bank certificate within a month before my application.
For the amount of the fund or show-money, I think it is always a safe figure to have at least Php 100,000 in your account. If your bank account is short of 6 figures, just make sure that you have enough fund to cover your itinerary. Usually, I allot Php 5,000 each day of travel (so if you are staying for 5 days, make sure you have at least Php 25,000 + extra for incidentals). This amount does not include airfare and accommodation. Based on my previous travel experiences, my Japan travel expenses would be around Php 100,000+.
9. Cover Letter
I also included a cover letter to explain my intent to apply for a Multiple-Entry Visa. I noted the documents that I submitted along with the application, as well as the list of countries I have previously visited to show proof that I always comply with legal and immigration requirements of countires I have visited.

These are the other documents that you may want to include on your application that I did submit back in 2019. For the new Japan visa, I no longer included these because I already have an ITR and I haven’t traveled again to any G7 countries:
Other Documents to Support My Financial Capabilities: I also submitted contracts, stocks certificate, and credit card statements (last 6 months – make sure that your account is current and that you always pay your bills on time ) to show proof that I have strong economic ties in the home country and that I can support myself during travel to Japan.
Proof of Travel to Japan in Last 3 Years: I submitted my old passport with my used visa and immigration stamps on it.
Proof of travel to other G7 countries in the Last 3 Years: My old passport has the used/valid visas and stamps from the G7 countries. The Group of Seven (G-7) is a forum of the seven countries with the world’s largest developed economies — France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada.
After I have completed my requirements, I submitted my application to Reli Tours and Travel Agency. There are many accredited travel agencies that process and assist with Japan Visa application. I just chose Reli Tours and Travel Agency because this is the same agency I used for my first Japan Visa application, and it is closer to home.
The travel agent checked and validated documents to ensure that the requirements were complete. They also put marks on the pages of my passport where visas are stamped.
I paid Php 999 + Php 500 (for multiple-entry visa application which is refundable if you are not approved of multiple-entry).
Make sure that you keep the receipt for collecting your passport once approved.
The Waiting Game
I have to wait over the holidays to determine if my application has been submitted to the embassy. It appeared that the Japan Embassy resumed office last January 6, 2025. I was hopeful that they would easily process and decide on my application within the usual 5 business days, which they did! I received the SMS from the agency on January 10, 2025.
When I claimed my passport, they congratulated me for the 5-year Multiple-Entry Visa!
I am so happy!
New Japan Visa Application Processing Time
Due to the significant increase in the number of visitors from the Philippines, the processing time for tourist visa applications may take several weeks longer than usual. To avoid delays, applicants are strongly encouraged to submit their visa applications 𝗮𝘁 𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝘁𝘄𝗼 𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗵𝘀 before their intended travel date.
Tips When Applying for Multiple-Entry Visa
1. You do not need to show airline tickets and hotel booking.
2. Japan is an expensive country. I would suggest that you really save enough funds and money so you can really enjoy your travel, and you would feel more confident about your application. Depositing a large amount of money in your bank account may be questionable, and might result to denied application. Oftentimes, delayed gratification is the best for any situation.
3. Submit only valid and authentic documents – do not submit fake documents. Integrity is everything.
I hope you find this post helpful.
Always check the updated requirements at your trusted Travel Agency for more information.
I will be sharing more about my Fukuoka, Japan travels soon!
For now, check out my visual diaries
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